Module Manual

Modul PS4670-KP04

Studium Generale (StuGen)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each winter semester
Credit points:

4 (Typ B)
Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Artificial Intelligence 2023 (optional subject), for equivalence check, Arbitrary semester
  • Bachelor Interdisciplinary Courses for health sciences (optional subject), interdisciplinary competence, Arbitrary semester
  • Master Interdisciplinary Courses (optional subject), Interdisciplinary modules, Arbitrary semester
  • Bachelor Interdisciplinary Courses (optional subject), Interdisciplinary modules, Arbitrary semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Studium Generale (seminar, 1 SWS)
  • Studium Generale (, 1 SWS)
  • 30 Hours work on an individual topic with written and oral presentation
  • 30 Hours in-classroom work
  • 60 Hours private studies
Contents of teaching:
  • Current social and political topics
  • Philosophical, cultural studies and contemporary history perspectives
  • Current discussions from science, politics and society
  • Text reading and discussions about specialized scientific texts
  • Students can see through argumentation structures
  • They can increase their analysis, reflection and argumentation skills
  • Expand knowledge of social and political issues and their current debates.
  • Development of a cultural, philosophical, and contemporary historical understanding of the contexts of medicine, the natural sciences, the life sciences, technology, computer science, the health sciences, and psychology.
Grading through:
  • continuous, successful participation in course
Responsible for this module:
  • :
  • offered only in German

Prerequisites for attending the module:
- None

Prerequisites for the exam:
- Active participation in the seminar
- Written elaboration according to the requirements at the beginning of the semester

Module exam(s):
- PS4670-L1: Studium Generale, ungraded seminar, 0% of module grade, must be passed.

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