Programme Syllabus

Master's thesis and colloquium

The Master's thesis is scheduled for the 5th and 6th semester of the Master's programme. From the time of registration with the examination office, the student has a maximum of 6 months to complete the thesis. Only in justified exceptional cases can an extension of 1 month be granted.

The Master's thesis can also be completed at other institutes of the University as well as the University of Applied Sciences in Lübeck, should the student find a Master's thesis with a corresponding topic there. The student can also approach an institute himself/herself with a topic or an idea for a Master's thesis.

The Master's thesis includes a final colloquium. Both must be assessed by two examiners.

Persönliche Beratung durch:

Prof. Dr. Martin Leucker
Studiengangsleiter Artificial Intelligence weiterbildend - Master
Dr.rer.nat. Frauke Kerlin
Studiengangskoordinatorin Artificial Intelligence weiterbildend - Master