
Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee can be found at the Universität zu Lübeck:

Ratzeburger Allee 160, Building 21, 23562 Lübeck

Email: ethikkommission[at]uni-luebeck[dot]de

Herr Prof. Dr. med. A. Katalinic

Deputy Chairperson:
Herr Prof. Dr. med. F. Gieseler

Administration (proposal processing):
Frau Janine Erdmann (Hs. 2, 1. OG, R. 110)
(Tue-Fri 8.00-12.00)
Tel.: 0451 3101 1008, Fax 0451 3101 1024
E-Mail: janine.erdmann(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de

Research Assistant:
Frau Dr. Angelika Hüppe
Phone: +49 (0)451 500 5854
Fax: +49 (0)451 500 5872

The articles of association set forth the duties and responsibilities of the ethics committee.

Members of the committee are appointed for a period of two years each by the Senate Committee for Medicine.

The Ethics Committee convenes each first Thursday of a month at 4.30 pm.

Meeting dates 2016:

01.09.2016 (hand in documents by 11.08.2016)

06.10.2016 (hand in documents by 15.09.2016)

03.11.2016 (hand in documents by 13.10.2016)

There are no fees charged for advice and review of applications on research proposals that are funded fully via the Universität zu Lübeck’s budget or through public funding agencies like BMBF or DGF. However, fees are charged for advice on research proposals funded in part or in whole from other sources (Fee schedule).

The Ethics Committee is a member of the group of Medical Ethics Committees in Germany. Please visit the Website for helpful information and forms for petitions/applicants.