Module Guide since WS 2023/24

Modul LS4030-KP06

Molecular Pathomechanisms and Strategies for Therapy (Pathom)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each winter semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Molecular Life Science 2023 (compulsory), life sciences, 1st semester
  • Master MLS 2018 (compulsory), cell biology, 1st semester
  • Master MLS 2016 (compulsory), cell biology, 1st semester
  • Master MLS 2009 (compulsory), life sciences, 1st semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Molecular Pathomechanisms and Strategies for Therapy (lecture, 4 SWS)
  • 120 Hours private studies
  • 60 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • Mechanisms of tumor initiation and tumor progression
  • Oncogenes und tumor suppressor genes
  • Correlation of DNA damage and tumorigenesis
  • Tumor-inducing pathogens
  • Metastasis and angiogenesis
  • pathways, regulation and pathological relevant deregulation of apoptosis
  • microRNAs: a new player in cancer development
  • Tumor diagnostic
  • Therapeutic concepts
  • The attendants of the course are able to describe the various general mechanisms of tumor initiation and tumor progression and discuss the terms and definitions in the overall context of tumor biology as well as apply them to given examples
  • The students are qualified to explain correlations between tumor biology and pathogenic mechanisms in apoptosis, RNA interference and tumor-inducing viruses and bacteria.
  • Furthermore, they can assess which concepts for tumor diagnosis and therapy are reasonably applied in the clinic and can evaluate to what extent alternative therapeutic concepts can be used in the correlation to their current limitations.
Grading through:
  • written exam
Responsible for this module:
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Timo Gemoll, MSc
  • University of Luebeck
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Timo Gemoll, MSc
  • N.N.
  • V. DeVita, S. Rosenberg and T. Lawrence: DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s – Cancer – Principles & Practice of Oncology, - Lippincott Williams & Wilki; Auflage 5 oder höher; ISBN: 978-0397515745
  • G. Löffler et al.: Biochemie und Pathobiochemie - Berlin, 11/2006, ISBN 978-3540326809
  • C. Wagener & O. Müller: Molekulare Onkologie: Entstehung, Progression, klinische Aspekte - Stuttgart, 10/2009, ISBN-13: 978-3131035134
  • R. A. Weinberg: The Biology of Cancer - Garland Publishing Inc, 7/2006, ISBN-13: 978-0815340782
  • : Current research and review articles
  • English, except in case of only German-speaking participants

Prerequisites for the module:
- BSc in Molecular Life Science or related fields

Prerequisites for admission to the written examination:
- nothing

Module exam:
- LS4030-L1: Moleculare Pathomechanisms and Therapeutic Strategies, written exam, 90 min, 100 % module grade

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