Module Guide Master MLS since WS 2023/24
This module guide is relevant for all students who started their Master's degree during the winter semester 2023/24.
1st semester
- General Virology and Biosafety (LS4040-KP04, AllgeViro)
- Bioanalytics A (LS4026-KP06, BioanalyA)
- Bioanalytics B (LS4027-KP06, BioanalyB)
- Biomathematics (MA3400-KP04, MA3400, Biomathe)
- Frontiers in Metabolic Medicine Research (MZ5117-KP06, FronMet)
- Immunology (MZ5111-KP06, Immuno)
- Module part LS4010 A: Cell Biology (LS4010 A, ViroZB)
- Module part LS4010 B: Molecular Virology (LS4010 B, ViroMV)
- Molecular Bioinformatics (CS4440-KP04, CS4440, MolBioInfo)
- Molecular Neurosciences (MZ5116-KP06, MolNeuro)
- Molecular Pathomechanisms and Strategies for Therapy (LS4030-KP06, Pathom)
- Systems Biology (EW4170-KP04, SystBio04)
- Basics of Cell- and Molecular Biology for Virology (LS4010-KP06, LS4010, Viro)
2nd or 4th semester
2nd semester
- Bioanalytics C (LS4137-KP09, BioanalC)
- Biophysics of Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Safety (ME5050-KP05, StrahlenSk)
- Biology of Infections (MZ4121-KP06, Infek)
- Clinical Immunology - Autoimmunity (MZ4128-KP06, ClinImmAut)
- Clinical Immunology: Model Systems (MZ4130-KP09, ClinImmMod)
- Clinical Neurobiology (MZ4126-KP06, ClinNeuro)
- Basics of Membrane Biophysics (LS4131-KP04, Membiop04)
- Module part: Molecular Oncology (LS4101 A, AMolOnk)
- Module part: Molecular Endocrinology (LS4101 B, BMolEndo)
- Module part: Molecular biology of the cardiovascular system (LS4101 C, CMolkard)
- Part of the module D: Tissue regeneration (LS4101 D, DGewebre)
- Part of the module E: Techniques in Neurobiology (LS4101 E, EMolNeur)
- Part F of the module: Clinical Immunology 2 (LS4101 F, FClinIm2)
- Module part G: Neuroendocrinology (LS4101 G, GNeuroend)
- Part of the module LS4110A: Pharmacology and Toxicology (LS4110 A, WiFoPharma)
- Part of the module LS4110B: Drug Design (LS4110 B, WiFoDrug)
- Molecular Biomedicine (LS4101-KP09, MolBiom09)
- Protein biophysics (LS4135-KP04, ProtBiop04)
- Animal Models and Animal Safety (ME5055-KP05, TiermTsch)
- Drug Research (LS4110-KP06, WiFo)
3rd semester
4th semester
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