Module Guide since WS 2023/24

Modul LS4101 G

Module part G: Neuroendocrinology (GNeuroend)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Molecular Life Science 2023 (module part), neuroscience, 2nd semester
  • Master Nutritional Medicine 2023 (Module part of a compulsory module), advanced curriculum, 2nd semester
  • Master MLS 2018 (Module part of a compulsory module), cell biology, 2nd semester
  • Master Nutritional Medicine 2019 (Module part of a compulsory module), advanced curriculum, 2nd semester
  • Master MLS 2016 (module part), neuroscience, 2nd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • LS4107-V: Neuroendocrinology (lecture, 2 SWS)
  • 30 Hours in-classroom work
  • 50 Hours private studies
Contents of teaching:
  • introduction into neuroendocrinology
  • hypothalamo-pituitary-system
  • adrenal glands/glucocorticoids
  • animal experimental methodology
  • thyroid hormones – centralnervous aspects
  • corticotropin releasing factor and other neuropeptides in the CNS
  • adipokines – interactions of peripheral signals with the CNS
  • endocrine rhythms
  • energy homeostasis
  • students will acquire basic knowledge of neuroendocrinology
  • they understand the interaction of selected central nervous and peripheral (neuro)endocrine systems (energy homeostasis, adrenals/glucocorticoids) and can transfer this knowledge to practical applications
  • they recall and understand experimental methods and are able to apply them in experiments
  • they can analyse and interpret research results and publications
Grading through:
  • written exam
Responsible for this module:
  • Siehe Hauptmodul
  • David O. Norris and James A. Carr.: Vertebrate Endocrinology - Academic Press; 5 edition
  • : additional literature will be supplied in the course of the seminar
  • German, except in case of only English-speaking participants

MLS: part of the module LS4101-KP08 / 4101-KP09.
Nutritional Medicine: part of the module EW4200-KP08.

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