Module Guide since WS 2023/24

Modul LS4101-KP09

Molecular Biomedicine (MolBiom09)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Molecular Life Science 2023 (optional subject), cell biology, 2nd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • See LS4101 A to G (lecture, 2 SWS)
  • 150 Hours private studies
  • 90 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • See part of the modules LS4101 A to G
  • See part of the modules LS4101 A to G
Grading through:
  • written exam
Responsible for this module:
  • English, except in case of only German-speaking participants

Prerequisites for the module:
- nothing

Prerequisites for admission to the written examination:
- nothing

Module exam:
- LS4101-L1: Molecular Biomedicine, 3 written exam, each 90 min, each 33.33 % module grad

Prerequisite for the certificate is the attendance of 3 courses of LS 4101A-G. The choice of the courses is free. The attendance of further presentations is optional. A registration for optional courses is not mandatory.

Four weeks after the start of the semester, the selection of the courses is obligatory (Registration via moodle). These courses are then subject of the written test. A written
registration is required for the written test. The determination of the date (1st or 2nd written test) is mandatory (Registration via moodle).

From WS 2023, LS4101 F will be omitted here and will be included in module MZ4130.
(Consists of LS4101 A, LS4101 B, LS4101 C, LS4101 D, LS4101 E, LS4101 G) (Choice 3 of all)

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