1 Semester | Turnus of offer:
every summer semester | Credit points:
5 |
Course of studies, specific field and terms: - Master Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2019 (optional subject), Additionally recognized elective module, Arbitrary semester
Classes and lectures: - Design and Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (exercise, 2 SWS)
- Design and Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (lecture, 2 SWS)
| Workload: - 60 Hours in-classroom work
- 30 Hours private studies
- 20 Hours exam preparation
- 40 Hours work on project
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Contents of teaching: | - Overview of UAV systems and components
- UAV safety and regulations
- Introduction to autopilot systems
- Fundamentals of multicopter dynamics
- Assembly of a multicopter
- Onboard sensors and data fusion
- Introduction to multicopter control
- Motion planning and autonomous flight
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Qualification-goals/Competencies: - Students know about basic types of UAV systems and their components
- Students are familiar with basic UAV safety procedures and regulations
- Students understand the fundamentals of UAV dynamics and control
- Students are able to assemble and program a simple multicopter
- Students have gained hands-on experience on an individual drone project
- Students are acquainted with algorithms for motion planning and autonomous flight
- Students know about current trends in UAVs
Grading through: |
Responsible for this module: - Prof. Dr. Georg Schildbach
Teachers: - Prof. Dr. Georg Schildbach
- Carlos Castelar, M.Sc.
Literature: - Quan, Quan: Introduction to Multicopter Design and Control - 1st Edition, Springer Singapore, 2017.
- Quan, Quan; Dai, Xunhua, Dai; Wang, Shuai: Multicopter Design and Control Practice - 1st Edition, Springer Singapore, 2021
Language: |
Notes:Admission requirements for taking the module: - None Admission requirements for participation in module examination(s): - Writing a project paper according to the specifications at the beginning of the semester Module Examination(s): - CS5560-L1: Design and Control of UAVs, Portfolio examination consisting of: 1/3 project work and 2/3 examination The type of examination (written or oral) is determined at the beginning of the semester. |
Letzte Änderung: 7.3.2025 |
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