Module guide

Modul RO4500-KP12

Advanced Control and Estimation (ACES)


2 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2019 (advanced module), advanced curriculum, 1st and 2nd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Linear Systems Theory (exercise, 2 SWS)
  • Graphical Models in Systems and Control (lecture, 2 SWS)
  • Graphical Models in Systems and Control (exercise, 1 SWS)
  • Advanced Control and Estimation (seminar, 2 SWS)
  • Linear Systems Theory (lecture, 2 SWS)
  • 30 Hours in-classroom exercises
  • 150 Hours private studies
  • 150 Hours in-classroom work
  • 30 Hours exam preparation
Contents of teaching:
  • Content of teaching for course Linear Systems Theory:
  • Vector spaces, norms, linear operators
  • Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, Jordan normal form
  • Singular value decomposition and operator norms
  • Linear systems in continuous and discrete time
  • Modeling of linear systems and linearization
  • Fundamental solution to linear systems state equations
  • Laplace transform and z-transform
  • Content of teaching for course Graphical Models in Systems and Control:
  • Introduction to Probability Theory, Discretely and Continuously Distributed Random Variables
  • Fundamentals on Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • Forney-Style Factor Graphs as a Probabilistic Graphical Model
  • Message Passing via Sum- and Max-Produkt Algorithms
  • Gaussian Message Passing
  • State Estimation (Kalman Filtering and Smoothing including Nonlinear Extensions)
  • Parameter Estimation via Expectation Maximization
  • Expectation Propagation
  • Control on Factor Graphs
  • Content of teaching of the seminar Advanced Control and Estimation:
  • Current state of the art algorithms in stochastic signal processing, estimation, identification and control.
  • Educational objectives for course Linear Systems Theory:
  • Students are familiar with the important basic concepts of linear algebra.
  • Students have a solid background in the theory of linear systems in continuous and disrete time.
  • Students are able to model linear systems in mechanical and electrical domain from first principles.
  • Students are able to solve the state equations and analyze systems in the time and frequency domain.
  • Students improve their problem solving and mathematical skills.
  • Students develop their techniques for logical reasoning and and rigorous proofs.
  • Students are enabled to perform reseaerch in the field of systems and control theory.
  • Educational objectives for course Graphical Models in Systems and Control:
  • Students develop and extend their fundamental knowledge on probability theory and the transformation of discretely as well as continuously distributed random variables.
  • Students can understand simple linear algorithms, such as the Kalman filter, with the help of graphical probabilistic models.
  • Students can combine elements of probabilistic algorithms to novel ones with the help of graphical probabilistic models.
  • Students can understand, extend and apply advanced algorithms in signal processing, parameter and state estimation as well as control to relevant problems with the help of graphical probabilistic models.
  • Educational objectives of the seminar Advanced Control and Estimation:
  • Students are able to research and understand current literature.
  • Students are able to reproduce and evaluate current algorithms based on research literature.
  • Students are able reproduce, extend and present results from current research literature.
Grading through:
  • Written or oral exam as announced by the examiner
Responsible for this module:
  • offered only in English

Admission requirements for taking the module:
- None

Admission requirements for participation in module examination(s):
- Successful completion of exercises as specified at the beginning of the semester.

Module Exam(s):
- RO4500-L1: Advanced Control and Estimation, One oral examination on the contents of both submodules, 40min, 100% of the module grade.
- RO4500-S: Seminar Advanced Control and Estimation, must be passed

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