Module Guide since WS 2024/25

Modul LS2701-KP04

Practical Course Cell biology (ZellBioPra)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Bachelor Molecular Life Science 2024 (compulsory), life sciences, 4th semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Practical course in Cell biology (practical course, 4 SWS)
  • 25 Hours in-classroom work
  • 75 Hours private studies
Contents of teaching:
  • Practical course (groups of 2):
  • Basics in cell culture techniques
  • Staining of cellular structures
  • Cell fractionation and functional analysis of organelles
  • Behaviour of cells during stress
  • Protein pattern of apoptotic cells
  • Differentiation of cells
  • Basic skills to design and perform their own experiments in the area of cell biology Handling of basic cell biology techniques
  • Handling of basic cell biology techniques
  • Improving the ability to document results correctly (within the roles of GSP of the UzL) and to work in a team
Grading through:
  • continuous, successful participation in practical course
Responsible for this module:
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Taube
  • Lodish: Molecular Cell Biology
  • Pollard: Cell Biology
  • Wolpert: Principles of Development
  • Alberts: Molecular Biology of the Cell
  • offered only in German

Prerequisites for the modul:
- LS1000-L1 Biology 1, LS200-L1 Biochemistry 1 or LS2510-L1 Biochemistry 2

Prerequisites for admission to the written examination:
- succesful participation in the practical course Cell Bology

Modul exam:
-LS2700-L2: Practical course in Cell biology, ungraded practical course, 0 % module grade, has to be passed

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