Module Guide since WS 2024/25

Modul MZ2200-KP06

Physiology (PhysioKP06)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each winter semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Bachelor Molecular Life Science 2024 (compulsory), life sciences, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor MLS 2018 (compulsory), life sciences, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Nutritional Medicine 2018 (compulsory), life sciences, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor MLS 2016 (compulsory), life sciences, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Nutritional Medicine 2016 (compulsory), life sciences, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Biophysics 2016 (compulsory), life sciences, 5th semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Physiology (lecture, 4 SWS)
  • Physiology (seminar, 1 SWS)
  • 120 Hours private studies
  • 60 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • Cell physiology & cell-to-cell communication
  • Sensory & neuronal physiology
  • Motor systems and respiration
  • Cardiovascular and immune system
  • Kidney physiology, electrolyte homeostasis and pH regulation
  • Energy metabolism and homeostasis
  • Endocrine system
  • Circadian rhythms and sleep
  • The students understand the cellular and molecular processes in living organisms.
  • They understand the integrative processes in healthy humans.
  • They are capable to interprete the physiological functions in a scientific way.
Grading through:
  • written exam
Responsible for this module:
  • Schmidt et al.: Physiolologie des Menschen - Springer, Heidelberg
  • Rhoades et al.: Medical Physiology - Lippincott Raven, Philadelphia
  • Speckmann et al.: Physiologie - Elsevier, Amsterdam
  • offered only in German

Prerequisites for the modul:
- nothing

Prerequisites for admission to the written examination:
- succesful participation in the seminar

Modul exam:
- MZ2200-L1: Physiologie, written exam, 90 min, 100 % module grade

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