Module Guide since WS 2024/25

Modul CS1020-KP05

Introduction Into Databases and Systems Biology (EinfDBSB)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Bachelor Molecular Life Science 2024 (compulsory), life sciences, 6th semester
  • Bachelor MLS 2018 (compulsory), computer science, 6th semester
  • Bachelor Nutritional Medicine 2018 (compulsory), computer science, 6th semester
  • Bachelor MLS 2016 (compulsory), computer science, 6th semester
  • Bachelor Biophysics 2016 (compulsory), bioinformatics, 6th semester
  • Bachelor Nutritional Medicine 2016 (compulsory), computer science, 6th semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Introduction into databases and system biology (exercise, 1 SWS)
  • Introduction into databases and system biology (practical course, 1 SWS)
  • Introduction into databases and system biology (lecture, 2 SWS)
  • 75 Hours private studies
  • 45 Hours in-classroom work
  • 30 Hours exam preparation
Contents of teaching:
  • Entity-Relationship-Models
  • Relation algebras
  • Database systems
  • Structured query language
  • bio-databases
  • Basic terms of system biology
  • Cellular networks
  • Students can create databases, manage them and create complex database queries.
  • They can explain the basic terms of system biology and classify them correctly.
  • Students know different bio-databases and can use and access them to solve problems from bioinformatics and system biology.
Grading through:
  • written exam
Responsible for this module:
  • Edda Klipp et al.: Systems Biology - A Textbook - Weinheim Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA [2016]
  • Sarah E Hunt et al.: Ensembl variation resources”, Database Volume 2018 - T. Hubbard et al. The Ensembl genome database project., Nucleic Acids Research 2002 30(1):38-41.
  • Gumm, Sommer: Einführung in die Informatik - 2012, De Gruyter Studium Kemper
  • Kemper, Eickler: Datenbanksysteme: Eine Einführung - 2015, De Gruyter Studium
  • offered only in German

Prerequisites for the module:
- nothing

Prerequisites for admission to the written examination:
- succesful work on the exercises

Module exam:
- CS1020-L1: Introduction into databases and system biology, written exam, 90 min, 100 % module grade

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