Montag, 09.02.2015


Exzellenzinitiative: International 5th Annual Cluster Symposium

Inflammation at Interfaces - A three-day meeting to explore the challenges of translating the new insights of the etiology of chronic inflammatory disorders into the clinics (Feb 26-28, 2015, Kiel)

Elucidating the genetic and molecular etiology of chronic inflammatory diseases of barrier organs, is a major challenge of modern medicine. Following the initial discovery and description of the first disease genes, a number of important molecular pathways have been implicated in disorders such as Crohn´s disease, asthma, psoriasis and sarcoidosis.

However, genetic susceptibility accounts for a small fraction of overall disease susceptibility. Epidemiological data suggests that genetic diversity, some of which may have been protective in the past, now interacts with the modern living conditions of industrialized nations and leads to chronic inflammation. This modern concept has spawned intense research activity on the interactions between the environment, resident microbes and the immune system as well as the biology of epithelial barrier function to identify disease mechanisms.

The symposium program starts with cluster-associated projects, which present their connection with the cluster on Thursday, February 26th. The exchange of knowledge and international cooperation are vital in academic life and research, thus the main plenary program of the meeting will focus on the presentation of themes, which point out to the future strategy of the cluster.

All participants may present their projects in form of posters in poster corners. Within these poster corners young scientists (PhD students and Postdocs) are invited to present their research in short oral presentations.

The evening event on Friday will give participants the opportunity for further discussions and networking in an informal get-together.

We are confident, that the International Symposium will further strengthen the close ties between research and clinics across the disciplines.

Read more: International 5th annual cluster symposium