In 1973, the Universität zu Lübeck became an independent scientific institution in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. We offer degree programmes in medicine, computer science, engineering, and natural sciences. Interdisciplinary programmes encompassing natural sciences, computer science, and medicine offer practical and up-to-date education underpinned by the highest standard of healthcare. The conditions here for developing and applying innovative technologies, diagnostics, and treatments are ideal, as a result of teamwork among faculties, and collaboration with other institutions in Lübeck, the Research Center Borstel, the Medical Laser Centre, and local businesses. Teaming-up with national and international research institutes bolsters the quality of research at our university, currently defined by two special fields of research.
Compared with other universities, the Universität zu Lübeck is small, with just 3,400 students – but boasts a good teacher-student ratio. The high standings of our computer science and medicine students underscores the high standard of our teaching and education.
and its associated members and institutions:
Following our founding as the Academy of Medicine in 1964, the first half-century of the Universität zu Lübeck was marked by our profile in medical research and teaching, leading to successful growth as a life science university. We were transformed into the Lübeck Foundation in 2015, thereby joining the centuries-old, solid, foundation culture of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck. In view of our closely networked research in medicine, natural sciences, informatics, and engineering, we are particularly aware at the Universität zu Lübeck of our responsibilities to society. Therefore, we strive to apply scientific knowledge to advance medicine, and contribute our share to improve health, treat illnesses, and ensure just and peaceful cohabitation of humankind. Through our research-driven, practical teaching approach, we pursue a comprehensive educational programme to help prepare individuals who are ready to play their role to responsibly serve our society.
Scientists at the Universität zu Lübeck are making contributions to help advance our society by developing new technologies and treatments, through their interdisciplinary collaboration at the crossroads of medicine, natural sciences and engineering. The goal is to focus on advanced medicine and technological developments that focus on people with their individual needs and self-driven responsibility for their own health.
On campus, teaching, research and healthcare form one entity, whereby the campus defines the university community and its partners. Spatial closeness and a tight network of interdisciplinary exchanges create the ideal preconditions to foster new knowledge, promote high-performance and internationally recognised science, and strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technology.
At the Universität zu Lübeck, we honour Humboldt’s underlying concept of unifying research and teaching by making research-based learning and promotion of skills and talents as the central pillars of our internationally recognised system of education. In addition to the high quality of our academic teaching programme defined by performance, our scientific education helps impart the quest for truth, orientation and values.
In our knowledge society, science pervades all facets of our social and private lives. Science drives our personal, political and scientific decisions, thereby acquiring a high level of social responsibility. We accept this challenge at the Universität zu Lübeck, by facing our responsibility to future generations in a free world, regardless of their origin. We expect openness towards new and different people. Self-responsibility and responsibility for society as a whole are the foundations of our canon of values. Equal opportunity and transparency mould our coexistence.
We view ourselves as the initiator, and would like to apply your scientific knowledge to make a long-lasting contribution to develop our city and region. Hence, we constantly strive for exchange and collaboration with partners in the fields of science, the economy, foundations and general public. We are open to social change and constantly adapt our strategies and actions to our values. We consider ourselves an active element of society in an historic Hanseatic city rich in the traditions of science.
Lübeck, February 2015
[Translate to english:] Unser Diversity-Profil
Die Universität zu Lübeck ist ein Ort der Vielfalt. Wir treten für eine plurale Gesellschaft, für Weltoffenheit und Chancengleichheit ein und engagieren uns entschieden gegen Diskriminierungen. Unser aktives Bekenntnis zu Diversität ist die ethische Grundvoraussetzung eines gerechten und friedlichen Zusammenlebens und zugleich Merkmal einer leistungsstarken und international vernetzten Universität.
(Das vollständige Diversity-Profil der Universität zu Lübeck finden Sie hier)
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