Life on Campus

Lübeck Student Theatre

Once upon a time, a few new students (we) arrived in Lübeck, and were shocked to find no university theatre. Since this was an absolutely unheard-of situation, we put things right by founding the Lübeck Student Theatre. Since 2007, we have been marking the end of each semester with: “Lights out. Spots on. Curtains up!” The first ever piece we played was ‘King Kong’s Daughter’ by Theresia Walser. Although many in the audience found the brutal truth about life in this piece as crossing the thresholds of good taste, there is nothing that we shy away from dramatization at this theatre. Depending on the mood of our actors, we switch between abstract, minimalist sceneries and extensive stage sets. We’ve done old masters, authors of classic literature, modern and at times absurd pieces, and we even premiered ‘The Idealists’ by Anna Lücke. We’re always open to new, amusing ideas, and seldom hesitate to look into novel projects. Hence, we have contributed not only to the reading week – 7 days 7 towers 7 books – but have also provided test patients for a range of classes for future medical practitioners. Since our actors change often, we love to see new faces join our theatre and have fun. We welcome one and all, whether you’ve had years of acting experience or simply want to give it a try. We’ve found that the stage can be addictive. If you start once, it’s almost impossible to give up. Even for those not drawn to the stage, there’s enough backstage work: stage sets, masks, costumes, prompting, lights and sound, designing flyers and posters, or a host of tasks that could always use a helping hand. You never know, you might even want to try your hand at directing. We always provide adequate space and time to practice and refine your talent to appear on stage, body perception, body language, expression/articulation and improvisation. In addition to our rehearsals twice a week, we have a weekend of rehearsals each semester, to not only work together on our piece but also have lots of fun. "You don’t need to be crazy to join us, but it does help a lot.”
If we’ve perked up your interest to come and get a taste of this, hop on board, get in touch via Facebook or email us. Or simply show up for our next piece and let’s talk. Email: theater(at)asta(dot)uni-luebeck(dot)de

[Translate to english:] Das Studierendentheater Lübeck