
Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

To increase scientific mobility and make the recruitment of researchers more transparent and merit-based, the EU Commission has published the "European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" (Charter & Code). These include a set of general principles and requirements that define roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as those of employers and funders. Charter & Code supports universities in creating optimal working conditions and working environments for academics, ensuring transparent selection procedures and thus increasing their attractiveness as academic institution. The Charter also recognizes all forms of mobility as a means of professional development for researchers.

In February 2019, the University of Lübeck fully endorsed the principles of Charter & Code. In order to implement the principles defined therein, the Executive Board has decided on focused reflection and critical examination of the existing conditions and processes in the context of implementing the "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R). The following four main thematic areas were comprehensively reviewed by representatives of science and administration:

  1. Ethical and Professional Aspects
  2. Recruitment and Selection
  3. Working Conditions and Social Security
  4. Training and Development

In order of further developing these areas, an action plan with specific measures as well as a guidance for open, transparent and merit-based recruitment have been developed. In November 2021, the UzL received the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission for its excellent recruitment and development of researchers after a successful independent assessment. This quality seal reflects fair and transparent personnel selection and recruitment procedures, compliance with ethical standards and the creation of a motivating working environment with attractive career development possibilities.


Katharina Pletz
Tel: +49 451 3101 1206
