How do I sign-up for a bachelor’s or master’s thesis?
Fill in the Application form and have it signed by the lecturer who assigns the topic, sign it and hand it in to the examination board. Once the Chair of the Examination Committee confirms the reviewer and topic, you and the lecturer will get a copy of the application form, which will show the earliest and final date for submission.
Where do I hand-in my bachelor’s or master’s thesis?
To the Examination Board, Building 2, Rooms 11 & 12 (office hours: Tue–Fri from 9 am to 12 noon, or by appointment).
You can also hand them in at the information desk in House A of the UKSH: put it in an envelope and address it to Prüfungsamt MINT, Bldg. 2, Room 11 and 12.
There is a letterbox in front of Building 2. You can drop-off your thesis there outside office hours.
Or you can post your thesis. Please note: the date of receipt counts, not the postmark!
How many copies of my thesis are required?
Three bound copies (no spiral binder!): one each for the first and second reviewer and one for the examination committee.
Is there anything else I must know about submissions?
You also have to submit a digital version of your thesis on a USB stick or CD!
Moreover, you have to submit and sign the declaration below in lieu of an oath:
Ich versichere an Eides statt, die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig und nur unter Benutzung der angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel angefertigt zu haben. (This version in German is acceptable!)
Are there special requirements for the cover page layout?
The MINT section examination committees have defined precise Guidelines on the layout of the cover page.
What can I do, if I can’t finish by the last possible deadline?
If you’re sick and can’t work on your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, you can get an extension equal to the duration of your illness. For this, please submit a doctor’s certificate on the Notification of Sickness Form to the examination board.
If you cannot meet the submission deadline for other unforeseeable grounds, please file an Application to Extend the Submission Date for a Bachelor’s/Master’s Thesis. The processing time can then be extended by the duration of the aggravation.
How do I sign-up for my colloquium?
To sign-up for your colloquium, you must fill out a form ( Bachelor’s degree / Master’s degree ), have this signed by both reviewers and turn it in to the examination board. Once the Chair of the Examination Board confirms the date, you will receive an invitation to the colloquium. Please submit the application at least a fortnight before the date.
How do I get my academic certificate?
You should go to the examination board at least once to check your records, or verify them online . As soon as we have all your course completion certificates and evaluations of your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, we will post the academic certificate after the processing period has expired(make sure your address is current).
If you have done some voluntary services that should be listed in a diploma supplement, please fill-in the Application to Include Courses in a Diploma Supplement and submit it before your last exam (usually the colloquium) to the examination board.
The preparation of the certificate documents can take up to two months.
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