

You must find an advisor and clarify your eligibility, before you can enrol as a doctoral candidate.

Enrolment is done in the International Office.

Please note:

All your transcripts and degrees must be submitted in the original language and as translations. Originals in English do not need to be translated.

Your application must include the following documents:

  1. A copy of your passport/ID
  2. Application form
  3. Application for admission to a semester in the doctoral programme.
  4. An officially certified true copy or copy of your original university entrance certificate listing your grades, translated into German or English
  5. An officially certified true copy or a copy of your university degree along with a list of associated courses and your grades, translated into German or English
  6. Your photograph

If you have any questions, please contact Fiona Schnüttgen: fiona.schnuettgen(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de.