International Students


At our Universität zu Lübeck, you can get a doctorate in any programme that offers this qualification. The minimum prerequisite is a university degree with a good to very good grade point average, in a field that corresponds to a scientific degree in Germany. For you as an international student, this generally means that you must have completed a two-year master’s degree with a research-oriented dissertation and obtained a good to very good grade.

A typical doctorate in Germany requires you to conduct independent research. For this, you will need to find an advisor interested in your research topic and willing to assist and guide you with your dissertation. Typically, it will take you three to five years to do your research and write your dissertation, depending on your field.

Find out more about research projects and topics from various sections and institutes at the Universität zu Lübeck:

Medical Section
Natural Sciences Section

Our graduate colleges represent a special form of support for doctoral candidates. These are restricted university facilities designed to foster young scientists, and are supported and financed by DFG (German Society of Research). Each of these focusses on an interdisciplinary topic and seeks to bolster the traditional method of individual advisors for dissertations. Doctoral candidates can write their dissertations here in a group of scientists. The colleges select their own candidates for stipends.

For more information please visit the Center for Doctoral Studies.