
Informationsveranstaltung (online) zu den Studiengängen Pflege (dual) und Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft (berufsbegleitend)

Am 15.04.2025 findet die nächste Informationsveranstaltung statt. 

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Studying Nursing in Lübeck

Know what to do.

Or co-op bachelor’s programme coalesces vocational training in nursing with a university education. This opens up a host of opportunities to grow successfully in a constantly advancing vocation.

Specialisation in Nursing

Your work will always revolve around people. The extreme variety and responsibility of this profession places high demands on your knowledge and skills. Key elements are the latest and best knowledge and application of sound scientific nursing knowledge. 

Job Prospects

Our co-op nursing programme coalesces academic education with practical training, which opens the doors to a very broad range of jobs.

You can of course continue beyond your bachelor’s degree to get a master’s in nursing and healthcare, or in other fields – depending on your interests and inclination.

Tell me more

Has this programme perked-up your interest?
If so, please read the following information:
Five good reasons
Job profile
Info events
Questions & answers


Co-op Bachelor’s Programme in Nursing

Degree Programmes


You can apply now for training with one of our partners for the
Winter semester 2018/2019

We look forward to your application.