Tell me more
Here you can find information on the Molecular Life Science degree course, on the degree courses in general and on the University of Lübeck. Naturally, you can also find all this out by attending various events.
General information
- Studying a “MINT” (mathematics, informatics, natural and technical sciences) subject A presentation for students and those interested in science degree courses. How do I find the right degree course? What changes at university compared to school? What is the difference between school and university mathematics? And how do you become a researcher? All these questions are answered here. In addition, exam questions are included to illustrate the level of difficulty.
- Molecular Life Science – Understanding life at the molecular level. A presentation about the bachelor's degree course in Lübeck. How do you take photos of proteins? And what does that have to do with pharmaceutical research? Here you can find not only the answers to those questions, but also basic information about the Molecular Life Science bachelor’s degree course.
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