1 Semester | Turnus of offer:
each summer semester | Credit points:
4 |
Course of studies, specific field and terms: - Bachelor MLS 2009 (Module part of a compulsory module), life sciences, 4th semester
Classes and lectures: - Selected methods of nucleic acid biology (lecture, 2 SWS)
- Selected methods of nucleic acid biology (practical course, 1 SWS)
| Workload: - 80 Hours private studies
- 40 Hours in-classroom work
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Contents of teaching: | - Annealing of complementary RNA: a kinetic analysis
- Synthesis of Nucleid acids
- Steady state and pre-steady state kinetic analyses of protein/nucleic acid interactions
| |
Qualification-goals/Competencies: - Studying basic of the molecular biology of nucleic acids and interacting proteins
- Transfer of theoretical models to experimental studies
Grading through: - participation in discussions
Responsible for this module: - Dr. rer. nat. Rosel Kretschmer-Kazemi Far
Teachers: - Dr. rer. nat. Rosel Kretschmer-Kazemi Far
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Sczakiel
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Restle
- Dr.rer.nat Sonja Petkovic
Literature: - : - Arbeitsvorschriften, Originalliteratur
Language: |
Notes:Part of the module LS2800 |
Letzte Änderung: 17.7.2019 |
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