Specialisations in the master´s program
Healthcare Research
Examples of learning and teaching content in this specialisation:
- Theories of the research process in healthcare sciences
- Variants of quantitative and qualitative studies as well as mixed-methods studies
- Variants of knowledge synthesis on complex processes and technologies
- Goals, forms, elements, and quality criteria of quality indicators
- Methods for the development, dissemination, and implementation of instruments for practice
- State of development of healthcare research, clinical research, and social research
- Identification of requirements for the further development of the healthcare system
- Formulate research questions to develop innovations
- Plausible justification of the relevance of scientific projects and representation of results
- Integration of all participants in the research process
Possible career fields:
- Research associate in research projects and research institutions
- Research associate in institutions of health policy or the self-administration of the healthcare system
- Research associate in institutions of funding agencies or healthcare providers
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