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Questions and answers

On this page you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the IT Security study program in Lübeck.

What awaits me during the programme and where should my interests lie?

The bachelor’s level comprises three themes, for which we have diverse lectures: mathematics, informatics and IT security. We also ensure you get a basic foundation in associated elements of relevance to IT security. It is unnecessary for you to have completed such courses – but an interest in these fields is valuable. With homework and lectures, BA has much in common with your time in school, but with more self responsibility.

The master's program is intended to enable students to understand and solve a wide range of problems relating to secure and reliable information processing. A special focus lies on acquiring skills for scientific work. In the MA, teaching moves away from the classical teaching model towards discussion, projects and independent research. After all, the MA lies the basis for further academic qualifications, such as a doctorate, or for management tasks in the field of IT security in business.

How big is this programme? How many students do you have?

Currently we have around 130 students in the bachelor's program and around 40 in the master's program. The small size of the course allows us to respond personally to the course-specific needs of our students.

Are there admission prerequisites?

The bachelor's program is not restricted in admission. This means that everyone can study regardless of their Abitur grades. We currently have no limit on the number of places on the course. Individual subjects may have a participant limit. Applications are sent to the university directly. If you are neither a German citizen nor an EU citizen, please contact the International Office of the University of Lübeck. The application can be made online via the university's website. The application deadline for the bachelor's degree is September 15 each year.

The Master's program has restricted admission and is held exclusively in English. Basically, a bachelor's degree in IT security or a related subject with a grade of 2.7 or better is required. The exact admission requirements can be found in the course regulations. We are currently admitting an unlimited number of students to the Master's program as long as they meet the requirements. Individual courses may have a participant limit. The application can be made online via the university's website. If you are neither a German citizen nor an EU citizen, please contact the International Office of the University of Lübeck. The application deadline for the master’s program is July 15 at the start of the winter semester and January 15 at the start of the summer semester.

Which degrees do you offer?

The University of Lübeck offers a basic bachelor's degree in IT security (Bachelor of Science, six semesters standard period of study) and a consecutive master's degree in IT security (Master of Science, four semesters standard period of study).

What’s so special about studying in Lübeck?

Studying at the University of Lübeck is a very personal study. Due to the small size of the university, there is a very close mentoring relationship between the employees of the institutes and the students. Students are often already involved in research at the institutes through projects and student jobs.

In contrast to many other universities, all rooms relevant to IT security studies are on the university campus and are not spread across the city. The short distances and shared accommodation options such as the canteen and university library facilitate exchanges with students from other fields of study.

Lübeck itself offers a wide range of leisure and culture. From the university campus you can make it to the Baltic Sea beach in Travemünde in 30 minutes.

When can I start my studies?

Each year, our bachelor’s programme in IT Security always starts in the winter semester.

You can join the master’s programme in IT Security in either semester.

What are elective modules and how can I choose them?

In the bachelor's and master's degree, compulsory elective modules must be included to an extent that is indicated in the respective curriculum (12 credit points (KP) in the bachelor's degree). In addition, in both the bachelor's and master's degree courses, interdisciplinary elective modules totaling 4 credits must be selected from the non-subject-specific elective catalogue.

The selection is initially limited to the list of course regulations and a general list of interdisciplinary modules. Compulsory elective modules can be completed beyond the specified scope. At the end you can then select which ones should be included in the overall grade. Compulsory courses cannot be included again as compulsory elective modules.

In addition to these subjects, the examination board can also recognize additional courses for subject-specific and non-subject-specific compulsory electives.

Where can I get more information?

Every year in May/June we offer a taster day on site. The exact date and registration will be announced/linked in good time on the IT security page. We are also represented at numerous orientation fairs.

If you have any further questions, we will be happy to help you personally.

Student Advisor:

Anja Rabich
Studiengangskoordinatorin IT-Sicherheit
M.Sc. Marc Stelzner
Stellv. Studiengangskoordinator IT-Sicherheit

Help with Applications:

Dr. Sabine Voigt

Please direct your inquiries to the program coordinator (Anja Rabich) and not the deputy coordinator (Marc Stelzner).