Free Electives

Modul EC4007-KP04

Innovation and Technology Management (WFIuTMng)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each winter semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Interdisciplinary Courses (optional subject), Interdisciplinary modules, Arbitrary semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Innovation and Technology Management (lecture, 2 SWS)
  • Innovation and Technology Management (exercise, 1 SWS)
  • 15 Hours exam preparation
  • 60 Hours private studies
  • 45 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • Technology and innovation are the basis for success and growth of any business. This course deals with theories, concepts and tools for the management of technology and innovation. During the event, basic concepts of innovation and technology management are defined. In addition, corporate internal and external sources of innovation are discussed, before the search for business opportunities is covered. Furthermore, the course deals with the development of an innovation strategy, the establishment of innovation networks, the development of new products and services and business model innovations.
  • The content is also linked to practical and current topics thus covering relevant applications.
  • Individual aspects of the event will be studied on selected case studies.
  • Students are able to master and apply scientific foundations and develop specialized and in-depth expertise in innovation and technology management.
  • Students are able to structure and solve problems in innovation and technology management even in a new, unfamiliar and multidisciplinary context.
  • Students are able to define goals for their own development and reflect their own strengths and weaknesses, plan their own development and reflect the societal impact.
  • Students can work cooperatively and responsibly in groups and reflect and enhance their own cooperative behavior in groups critical.
Grading through:
  • Written or oral exam as announced by the examiner
Responsible for this module:
  • Institute for Entrepreneurship and Business Development
  • Nichols: Social Entrepreneurship - Oxford University Press: 1. Auflage 2008
  • Bessant & Tidd: Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Wiley-Verlag: 2. Auflage 2013
  • Fisch & Roß: Fallstudien zum Innovationsmanagement - Gabler-Verlag: 1. Auflage 2009
  • Bessant & Tidd: Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change - Wiley-Verlag: 5. Auflage 2013
  • English, except in case of only German-speaking participants

Prerequisites for attending the module:
- none

Prerequisites for participation in module exam(s):
- none
- Prerequisites for admission to the (written) examination may be scheduled at the beginning of the semester. When prerequisites are defined, they should be completed and positively evaluated before the initial (written) examination.

Module exam(s):
- EC4007-L1: Innovation and Technology Management, written exam, 60 min, 100 % of module grade, or as announced by examiner
- EC4007-L1: Innovation and Technology Management, oral exam, 15 min, 100 % of module grade

(Is equal to EC4005T-KP04)

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