
Hervorragende Bewertung für die Mathematik

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unsere Studierenden unseren Studiengang im unabhängigen, bundesweiten CHE Hochschulranking 2024 wieder exzellent bewertet haben. Mit insgesamt 4,5 von 5 Sternen für die Studiensituation liegt unser Studiengang damit sowohl innerhalb der Universität als auch bundesweit in der Spitzengruppe.

Informationen für Studieninteressierte
Detailergebnisse CHE-Ranking

Computational Life Science

Bachelor’s and master’s degrees

The latest computer engineering systems are indispensable for solving increasingly complex problems in medicine, biotechnology and pharmaceutics. Our programme prepares you for the booming interdisciplinary research and development tasks involving bioscientists and medical practitioners. As such, this programme is almost the only one of its kind in Germany.


Our Computational Life Science programme focusses extensively on teaching you a broad-base of the core elements of mathematics. We supplement this with fundamental courses in medical-natural sciences and informatics.

At our Universität zu Lübeck, you can opt to specialise in natural sciences, imaging and image processing or genetic epidemiology.

Job Prospects

Mathematicians with a solid education at the crossroads of mathematics, life science and computer technologies have above-average prospects to get a job in a sector that has become almost independent. For example, in addition to pharmaceutical and biotech firms, medical engineering and software companies are showing a strong interest in our graduates as mathematical modellers or algorithm developers to work as statisticians or data analysts in their life science or development department.


Bachelor and Master in Computational Life Science

The courses of both the bachelor and the master degree programmes are generally taught in German. In particular, applicants must have a good command of German. Please consult the German pages on the programmes for details.  

Computational Life Science Courses Taught in English

Although the majority of the courses in the degree programmes are taught in German, there are a number of courses taught in English that are suitable for exchange students.

Degree Programmes