Executive Board
Vice-President Education of the University of Luebeck
Univ. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Enno Hartmann
Born 14 January 1960 in Berlin |
1986–1991 | Scientific staff member, Central Institute for Molecular Biology of AdW, GDR, workgroup of Prof. Dr. T.A. Rapoport |
1990 | Doctorate in cellular biology, Science Academy, GDR |
1992–1994 | Scientific staff member, Max-Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, workgroup of Prof. Dr. T.A. Rapoport |
1994–1997 | Group Leader, Max- Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine, Berlin |
1997 | Habilitation in biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Humboldt University, Berlin (Charité) |
1998–2001 | Professor (C3, Research Professorship), Faculty of Medicine, Centre for Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, Georg-August University, Göttingen |
2001 | Professor (C4) and Director of the Institute for Biology, University of Luebeck |
2002–2004 | Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering/Natural Sciences, University of Luebeck |
2004–2008 | Dean, Faculty of Engineering/Natural Sciences, University of Luebeck |
Since 2008 | Vice-President, University of Luebeck |
Offices at the Universität zu Lübeck: Vice-President I (Education and Scientific Qualifications)
- Chair, Central Student Committee
- Basic questions on
- Degree programme and teaching
- University admission
- Degree programme regulations
- Degree programme information
- Programme reform
- Examinations
- Class size issues
- Chair of the commission to promote young scientists
- Chair, Board of Directors, Research Facility for Clinical Experiments (KEF)
- Continuing education/training, scientific qualification and graduation
- Associated with the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, for joint teaching and qualification programmes
- Personnel development (scientific)
- Quality assurance in education and scientific qualifications
- Continuation of organisation and development plan, including management of related projects ("Univision 2020")
- MBO report
- Construction planning
- Contacts for protection of personnel against radiation, protection of animals, work and health safety, genetic engineering officer*
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