Doctorate in Medicine

Doctorate in Medicine


Information for doctoral projects registered until 31.03.2021 (TRANSITIONAL REGULATIONS)

Procedure of the doctoral process according to the new TRANSITIONAL REGULATIONS

The doctoral regulations in their version of 22.12.2020 provided that all doctoral projects that were not yet in the ordinary doctoral procedure should be carried out according to the new rules. During the information process, it was conveyed that there should be more extensive transitional rules. As a result, the Presidential Board decided on 26.07.2021 to issue specific transitional regulations that take into account the progress of doctoral projects.

For all doctoral candidates who registered their doctoral project before 01.04.2021 and apply for admission to the doctoral procedure after 31.12.2021 (NEW DEADLINE!), the following points must be observed:

1. Choose a Co-Supervisor or an "Official Co-Supervisor" (Amts-Ko-Betreuung)

  • Search for a Co-Supervisor
    Initial and Co-Supervisor should be from different institutes/clinics. The Co-Supervisor does not always have to be habilitated (see §4 of the Promotionsordnung Medizin). The Co-Supervisor has to be notified to the central examination office by mail to ssc.promotionmedizin(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de. The choice of the Co-Supervisor will be confirmed or rejected in writing by the doctoral committee after receipt.
  • Alternatively, an "Official Co-Supervision" (Amts-Ko-Betreuung) by the chairperson of the doctoral committee can be used. If the Co-Supervision is carried out by the Official Co-Supervisor, he/she does not have to participate in the supervision meetings. The central examination office must be informed of the use of the Official Co-Supervisor by e-mail to ssc(dot)promotionmedizin(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de.

2. Enrolment as a doctoral student

All doctoral students must enrol as doctoral students at the University of Lübeck, unless they are already enroled elsewhere (e.g. studying at the UzL or at another university and simultaneously doing their doctorate at the UzL). In this case, enrolment as a doctoral student must take place as soon as possible (e.g. after graduation). This enrolment must be extended until the dissertation process is completed by passing the oral examination. Enrolment takes place at the Studierenden-Service-Center.
There are no costs for enrolment as a doctoral student if you were already enroled as a student at UzL. Otherwise, a one-time, small administrative fee will be charged.

3. Registration at the CDSL

Registration is done online here.

Registration with the CDSL is NOT the enrolment, and NOT the registration of the doctoral project.

4. Conclusion of the Supervision Agreement

The signed supervision agreement must be submitted to the CDSL by 30.09.2021. This can be done either by mail or by email to cdsl.service(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de. All persons involved will receive a copy of the completed supervision agreement. Template Supervision Agreement.

(Instructions for completing the supervision agreement from the PhD Council. Further helpful information can be found in the Moodle PhD-Forum of the PhD Council).

5. Preparation of an Exposé on the doctoral project/Summary of the doctoral thesis.

For doctoral dissertations where the summary has already been written, this can replace the exposé and be submitted.
In the case of ongoing doctoral projects, the doctoral candidate must prepare an exposé which presents the main contents, preliminary work and objectives of the doctoral thesis (approx. 300 words) and includes a checklist. A template for this can be found here. The following points should be addressed in the exposé:

  • Preliminary work
  • Objective
  • Specific research question(s)
  • Approach | Methods
  • Literature

This exposé is to be prepared for the first structured supervision meeting. It will be agreed upon with the supervision team/supervisor during the first supervision meeting and is to be submitted to the CDSL signed by all parties involved. This can be done either by mail or by email to (curriculum component).

6. Structured supervision meetings

During the course of the doctorate, the supervisor, the doctoral candidate and the co-supervisor should hold structured supervision meetings at least every six months (part of the curriculum). If the co-supervision is carried out by an official co-supervisor (Amts-Ko-Betreuung), the latter does not have to participate in the supervision meetings.

  • The contents of these supervision meetings (e.g. progress of the doctoral project, further goals, planning) are to be documented by the doctoral candidate in minutes (Protokoll; template).
  • The minutes remain with the doctoral candidate for the time being and are signed by all parties involved at the end of the doctorate and submitted to the CDSL for documentation in the Transcript of Records (ToR).
  • The completion of the interviews will be reported back to the CDSL as soon as possible by the doctoral student using an online form. If the supervision meeting cannot take place, a report must also be made, stating valid reasons (e.g. pregnancy/parental leave, time abroad, etc.).

7. Acquisition of 3 Credit Points

The following components have to be achieved / proven for the acquisition of 3 Credit Points (CP):

  • The exposé/summary of the dissertation writing (0.5 CP)
  • Semi-annual, structured supervision meetings (1 CP)
  • A course on "Good Scientific Practice" (GSP; 0.5 CP).

    Additional components to the extent of 1 CP are required. For this purpose, please choose from the "individual components" (for more details, please refer to the table below).

8. Confirmation of the CDSL about the curricular achievements

At the end of the doctoral project, the doctoral student receives a Transcript of Records (ToR) from the CDSL about the curricular achievements. For this purpose, evidence of curricular achievements must be submitted to the CDSL.
This includes:

  • Exposé
  • Minutes of the structured supervision meetings
  • Certificate of attendance for a GSP course
  • Other achievements can be credited additionally (e.g. doctoral seminar, DOI of a publication, certificate of attendance e.g. for colloquia, workshops, conferences)

This can be done either by mail or by email to

9. Other

Discontinuation of doctoral studies

If a doctorate is discontinued by the doctoral candidate or terminated by the supervisor before the doctoral project has been completed, the doctoral candidate must report back to the CDSL (see supervision agreement).
The doctoral candidate's achievements up to that point can be credited when starting a new doctoral project.


If you have any questions, please refer to the respective C o n t a c t:


Curriculum TRANSITIONAL REGULATIONS for a structured doctorate in medicine:

For the contents of the curricular components and the application of the credit points (CP), the instructions of the information sheet (Merkblatt zum Curriculum) for the structured doctorate in medicine apply in addition.




Mandatory components:

[2 CP]



Project Exposé



Structured supervision meetings (semiannual)


one time 1 CP

Good Scientific Practice



Individual components:

[at least 1 CP]






Institute Seminar, Doctoral Seminar, Journal Club with own presentation (e.g. 10 x 90 min/5 x 90 min)


max. 2 CP

Active retreat participation


max. 2 CP

Subject-specific workshop


e.g.  Biostatistics, Animal welfare etc.

Interdisciplinary training /Soft Skill workshop


e.g. Scientific Writing, Time Management, Project Management, Communication training, max. 2 CP

Ethics in Science or Theory of Science



Lecture/Module with exam

1 ECTS = 1 CP


Publication as first author



Publication as co-author



Active conference participation

(active= with own contribution - poster or presentation)


max. 2 CP

Organization Conference/Symposium



* Consists of an attendance time of 7.5 h and a self-study / preparation time of 7.5 h.

** The course "Well prepared towards a doctorate" (Gut vorbereitet zum Doktortitel) is being organized yet.