
Dissertation procedures

According to § 43 of the Higher Education Act of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (Hochschulgesetz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein), doctoral candidates must enroll at the university where they are taking their doctorate. For enrollment you need this application. If you have not been enrolled at the University of Lübeck before, you still need to submit these documents. Send the application and documents to Ms. Christiane Schramm, christiane.schramm(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de

Two different offices of the university are responsible for questions regarding the final dissertation procedures (commencing from the beginning of writing your dissertation). Please contact the respective office:


Doctoral Degrees of the STEM sections;
Informatics/Technology, Natural Sciences and Psychology


Please consult the STEM office in time (approx. 6 months prior to the scheduled submission of the dissertation) to get an overview of deadlines, formal requirements of your dissertation as well as the evaluation and examination procedures. The University grants the following titles:

Dr. rer. nat. | doctor rerum naturalium 
Dr.-Ing. | Doktor-Ingenieur
Dr. phil. | doctor philosophiae
Ph.D. | Doctor of Philosophy

The STEM office provides further information:

MINT Büro | Universität zu Lübeck

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Tel: +49 451 3101 – 3002
email: mint.buero(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de

Find detailed information on the final dissertation procedures, the senate committee as well as announced Dissertations here.


Doctorates of the Medicine Section

Medical students who want to gain a doctorate during their studies will be supervised within their course of study. The University grants the following titles:

Dr. med. | doctor medicinae 
Dr. med. dent. | doctor medicinae dentariae 
Dr. rer. hum. biol. | doctor rerum humanae biologiae 

Ms. Vogel provides further information:

Studierenden-Service Center | Universität zu Lübeck

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Tel: +49 451 3101 - 1265
Fax: +49 451 3101 – 1254
email: ssc.promotionmedizin(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de