PhD Council

Tea & Thesis

At Tea & Thesis, we offer a perfect opportunity for everyone who is tired of the question "How far along are you with your dissertation?" and wants to make progress. The PhD Council invites you to work on your dissertation together. We have rented two rooms for this purpose: a quiet study room and a room where you can exchange ideas with us or other doctoral students. To keep things from getting too dry, we will provide coffee and tea for you.

Where will it take place?

Rooms 1 and 2 Container 3.

When is the next session?

22.03, 26.04, 17.05 from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

Any further questions about the event or other topics?

Feel free to send us an email at promovierendenrat(at)uni-luebeck(dot)de.
