Sunday, 30-11-2014


Endowment Professorship in General Medicine

The Damp Foundation and the University of Lübeck together established an endowment professorship in the field of general medicine.

Prof. Dr. Jost Steinhäuser was accordingly appointed to immediately take over the newly built Institute for General Medicine at the University Medical Center of Schleswig-Holstein on the Lübeck Campus. On 6 November 2014, the concept for general medicine in Lübeck was presented at a press conference attended by Premier Torsten Albig of Schleswig-Holstein.

The premier was accompanied by Dr. Niels Bunzen, a board member of the Damp Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Jens Scholz, Chair of the University Medical Center of Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH). The Univesity of Lübeck was represented by Vice-President Prof. Dr. Enno Hartmann, Chancellor Dr. Oliver Grundei, Head of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach, the teaching professor at the Institute for General Medicine, Prof. Dr. Jens-Martin Träder and Prof. Steinhäuser.

The aim of this professorship is to emulate the international approach by creating a research centre in Lübeck emphasising healthcare research, care of chronically ill patients, as well as training and further education. This chair will cooperate closely with the existing Institutes at the Centre for Public Health and Healthcare Research, with the hospitals at the UKSH and with assistant professors and teaching centres of the university’s Institute of General Medicine. To the extent feasible, research into general medicine will occur within the framework of a regional research network.

On 1 October 2014, Prof. Dr. med. Jost Steinhäuser was appointed as the W3 Professor for General Medicine. Born in 1973 in Constance (Germany), he studied human medicine in Freiburg (Germany), Vienna and Philadelphia. He is a specialist in general medicine with an additional qualification in manual medicine, specialising in emergency services. He habilitated in the field of “Analysis and Improved Further Education Toward a Specialist for General Medicine – The Verbundweiterbildungplus (Further Education Association) as the Normative Strategy to Combat the Shortage of General Practitioners in Baden-Württemberg.” Prior to his appointment in Lübeck, he served as the senior physician and coordinator of Verbundweiterbildungplus liaising with the general medicine and healthcare research department at the University Medical Centre of Heidelberg.