Montag, 08.01.2024


CareerRopeUp meets "Mothers in Science"

Online Event for Women in Science on January 18

On January 18, 2024 at 7:30 pm, Isabel Torres will present the network and movement "Mothers in Science" and will answer all of your questions. Please register for the online event (via Webex) by January 11, 2023 to (The event will be in English.)

Mothers in Science is an international nonprofit organisation founded by Isabel Torres and Sonal Bhadane in 2019. The multinational team of 16 professionals in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) is based around the world, including France, US, Canada, Singapore, Portugal, UK, Nigeria, Finland, Germany, Brazil and New Zealand. They are the leading global nonprofit advocating for mothers in STEMM and creating evidence-based solutions to promote workplace equity and inclusion of parents and caregivers.

The rapidly growing organisation represents thousands of students and professional women in STEMM around the world from many fields and employment sectors. Their groundbreaking research has revealed that maternity bias and discrimination is widespread in the STEMM sector and has identified specific career barriers holding mothers back. Based on this research, they are creating evidence-based solutions for promoting workplace equity and inclusion in STEMM.

Isabel Torres is co-founder and CEO of Mothers in Science. After completing a PhD degree in genetics at the University of Cambridge and a postdoc at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in the UK, she moved to France where she is currently a scientific editor and consultant. Isabel is also an experienced science writer and communicator. She is passionate about promoting women in STEMM and is a fierce advocate for gender equality and social justice. She is a mother of four children.  

Universität zu Lübeck
Abteilung Strategische Hochschulentwicklung
Referat Chancengleichheit und Familie